Why relationships end and are destroyed
What are your expectations? Corporate Dating Johannesburg
With your perfect partner do you sabotage your relationships due to unrealistic expectations? Always assuming your perfect partner can read your mind? Lack of communication is one reason why relationships end are destroyed. It is vital in letting your perfect partner understand when putting your point of view across. Remember we all have opinions so do not force your opinions; you both need to find a balance. Try not to be a control freak.
Are you the clingy co-dependent type?
Do you text, call, WhatsApp, all the time wanting to know where your partner is? Do you constantly demand their whereabouts during the course of the day? And always checking their messages and emails? If you have trust issues it could be something that you could be projecting and need to look at. Do not take out your trust issues due to a past experience on the new partner you are dating
Making excuses and not making time for one another?
We all need alone time for reflection, meditation and relaxation. Be careful to not have totally alone time where you do not make time for your partner. You in the relationship and it is important that you focus on the exclusive relationship in order for it to grow. Are you the one too focused only on your career and expecting your partner to understand and accept it? Find the balance between work and your relationship.
Are you in the relationship for the wrong reason?
Thinking a better person will come along. Do you end a relationship before the relationship even begins and grows and not getting to know your partner? We all have positive and negative traits? Do you end the relationship because you only focus on the negatives? Why did you start seeing your partner in the first place? Focus on the positives. Do not compare previous relationships with the new one. However, if you see similar traits then that is understandable it then means you are still doing the same things and getting the same results. It starts with you making the right decision when embarking on a new relationship.
Drugs and alcohol
The two are very toxic when in a committed relationship. Are you only able to communicate when you are stoned or drugged up? Do you use narcotics in order to spice up the sex life? Are you only around people who are regularly drinking and taking drugs? I know I have been in that situation whereby making decisions and thinking everything is cool and then embarking on a new relationship. It is very destructive and can destroy the perfect relationship.
Corporate Dating Johannesburg
Are these some of the reasons why your exclusive relationships end, destroyed and is happening in your life? This is the time to make a fresh change on the impulsive decisions you make and what you are doing starts with you. Take the chance, you can do it, you are responsible for your own journey and happiness.
The Only Social Club a matchmaking service, for single professionals, well established the leading authority with a history of success and been in operation for over 12 years, and has gone from strength to strength. The Only Social Club has changed the way singles look for love.