Corporate Dating | Dating Service
Corporate Dating | Dating Service interviewed by Anela and her team on UCT Radio on the 18/04/2013 Topic, ‘Tell It Like It Is’
We discussed the following:
1. Why did the idea of Corporate Dating appeal to you? 2. What do you find are the biggest issues contributing to unsuccessful relationships today? 3. There are various positive and inspiring testimonials given about your dating service from various kinds of people with very different backgrounds. Do you have rules that you adhere to, or emphasise to your clients, that ensure that these relationships are successful? 4. Considering the fact that most of our dating habits are formed in our youth, what rules or ways to go about conducting a relationship do you think would have made your dating experience better when you were younger? 5. What would you say are the best and the worst things to come out of being a founder of a dating service? 6. For those people who are listening and are interested in trying out this way of dating, what would you say are the basic expectations and ‘do’s and dont’s of making use of dating services? 7. Some interesting advice is given on your service’s website about our dating habits being influenced by the dating habits of our parents. Can you share some of your experience with that and also elaborate how as a dating service, you combat such diverse and difficult matters? 8. Any last words?
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