Shy or Introverted
The Only Social Club is a Professional matchmaking service South Africa assisting to the singles dating professionals
Have you become one of those people that is shy or introverted after an unsuccessful relationship? Did you get jilted or hurt and decide to back off from subsequent relationships? I am aware at the time that most relationships bring more joy than pain. That’s why we usually find that it is so difficult to give up the relationship. When the relationship has ended we then tend to put out the good memories and only focus and concentrate on the negative/s what he/she may have done that brought you pain or the worst-possible frame on an experience. The idea is that all interactions we have is to change the frame, see the joy, see the gain, and see the growth. Once you can see that, only then is it possible to move on from a positive rather than a negative frame and be empowered to create an even greater relationship in the future. For you to have even a greater relationship, ask yourself what did you learn by seeing this differently? How does this free you to act differently?
We all deserve to be in a wonderful fulfilling relationship. Opportunities may have been presented to you but because you have been focusing on the negatives of the previous relationship you had, you may have missed out and not seen him/her. We all grow and change, embrace the change. Allow yourself the time.